Mikavu E-learningMikavuTry for Free

Quality features

Life skills that students want the most

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5.0 (392 reviews)

Personal Finance: Money Management and Budgeting Skills for Teens

2,538 students watched

Core features

Smart skills that you may love this anytime & anywhere

Unlock your true potential with our online learning platform for life skills, designed exclusively for school students.

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Online tutorials videos avaialble


Life valuable skills on demand


Minutes of video sessions


online tutoring sessions delivered

Quality features

Popular Skill Courses

5.0 (392 reviews)
2,538 students watched

Personal Finance

Money Management and Budgeting Skills for Teens

5.0 (392 reviews)
2,538 students watched

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Nutrition, Fitness, and Well-being

5.0 (392 reviews)
2,538 students watched

Digital Citizenship and Online Safety

Navigating the Digital World Responsibly

5.0 (392 reviews)
2,538 students watched

Stress Management and Self-Care

Coping Strategies for School and Life

Pricing Plan

Choose your pricing policy

  • Monthly Plan
  • Annual Plan

Per Course plan

Pick a course plan that suits your needs

Starting from
  • Limited access to the purchased course and video materials
  • Free access for all kind of exercises with downloads
  • Track your progress with free user progress tracker
  • Unlimited download of courses on the mobile app contents
  • Download and print courses and exercises in PDF

Complete Access

Get access to all life skills courses

Starting from
  • Ultimate access to all courses and video materials
  • Free access for all kind of exercises with downloads
  • Track your progress with free user progress tracker
  • Unlimited download of courses on the mobile app contents
  • Download and print courses and exercises in PDF
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Vast collection of courses

Over hundreds of lessons added every year

Discover a wide range of non-academic courses that empower students to thrive in various aspects of life, from personal development to communication skills.

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Frequent Question

Do you have any question?

What is Mikavu?
Mikavu is an online learning platform specifically designed for school students, offering a wide range of non-academic courses to enhance essential life skills.
How can I access Mikavu?
You can access Mikavu by visiting our website and creating an account. Once registered, you'll have full access to our course catalog and resources.
What types of courses are available on Mikavu?
Mikavu offers courses covering various life skills such as time management, communication skills, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and more. These courses are designed to empower students beyond academic knowledge.
Are the courses interactive?
Yes, our courses on Mikavu are designed to be interactive and engaging. They include video lessons, practical exercises, quizzes, and resources to ensure an immersive learning experience.
Are there any assessments or evaluations in the courses?
Yes, some courses on Mikavu may include assessments or evaluations to test your understanding and application of the learned skills. These assessments help reinforce your knowledge and provide valuable feedback
Are there any additional resources or support available?
Mikavu provides supplementary resources, including downloadable materials, recommended readings, and access to a community forum where you can interact with fellow learners and instructors for guidance and support.
Is there a cost associated with using Mikavu?
Mikavu offers both free and paid courses. Some courses may require a fee for enrollment, while others are available at no cost. The pricing details can be found on our website.

Ready to learn skills with Mikavu

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